Gender diversity is a key part of our overall transformation strategy and we acknowledge the critical role that both men and women play in the success of our business.

As women make up more than half of our workforce, it is essential that we attract, develop, advance and retain female talent at all levels. Athena is our gender equality initiative to create an environment where women feel empowered to achieve their individual career goals, and to grow the number of women in financial services in South Africa.

Athena is however not a women’s conversation – instead it is a business imperative with the clear agenda to focus on both men and women for gender equality.

Ever since the RMB Athena Programme was launched, significant progress has been made on several fronts, through dedicated Athena streams, to create gender equality in the workplace and to empower both men and women to reach their full potential in the bank.

Stay in touch

Athena remains committed to growing female leaders in the bank. We also want to make the circle bigger by taking the gender conversation into society. And that’s why we need YOUR feedback. We want to stay in touch with all our Athena Alumni as we believe that you can add incredible value to our current Athena members and the greater gender equality conversation.

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